First published in the Fall of 1995, Shallow Bob's Episodic Dreamland #1 is really
"out there" for all you cats that may be hip to icons of naivete and navel utility. Everybody probably
has a Shallow Bob in their neighborhood, and it took this mini to point it out! Subliminal Tattoos: "Funny,
surreal, eye-catching stuff from the disturbed [T. wEieR]." Poopsheet: "Crazy comix about eating belly
button stuff." That's right, man. And there's much more than belly lint going on in this piece!
Only $1.00 ppd to: T. wEieR, POB 2412, Merrifield, VA 22116 |
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without the written permission of T. wEieR. Copyright 1999 T. wEieR.